BfDi Data - Can you please help me?

Hi to everyone.
I’m an italian Attorney with an expertise in all the privacy matters. Right now, I am undertaking a comparative research between the data protection authorities and how they are actually empowering the art. 36, clauses 4 and 5 of the GDPR.
In Italy there is a lot of buzz due to the fact that the legislative iter is slowed down by the Data Protection authority. I’m trying to figure out if this happens also in Germany, France and Spain as well.
In order to do that, I need the following data:

  1. How many people work in the BFDI?
  2. What is the annual budget of the BFDI (e.g., in france is 20,1 mln);
  3. Where does the bugdet came from precisely (e.g. in some countries the budget is strictly connected with the fines that the authority empowers) and how it is allocated (i.e. salaries, expenses, ecc.);

I need this data asap,
Any help about this subject matter is higly appreciated!
Sorry to bother you but I do not speak German at all!

Ok, I found two documents:

    1. about the personnel;
  1. about the budget.

Are they updated and reliable?

Thank you in advance,

It looks like the updated version of this document is here:

You can find the details of BfDI on page 2731 ff.

Thank you for the quick answer, this is very useful!

1 „Gefällt mir“

You may wish to be aware of the federal organization. For each of the 16 states States of Germany - Wikipedia there is 1 independent authority (2 for Bavaria) and additionally BfDI at federal level (however not as central authority). Thus you are looking for data of 18 data protection authorities.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thank you so much for the clarification. To be honest I’m at the beginning of the research and I assumed that the Bfdi was the central autorhity,
This is so helpful, thank you.

I do have one more question about this topic: is it considered an obligation to ask to the autorithy (both independent authorities or the federal one) for a consultation during the creation of a law ?

I’ll try to give you an example. If Germany decides to create a national app for tracing covid among the citizens, is the law-maker forced to ask to the data protection authorities an opinion?
I think I found the answer in this segment of the Tätigkeitsbericht 2020

“Förmliche Begleitung bei Rechtsetzungsvorhaben Gemäß § 45 der Gemeinsamen Geschäftsordnung
der Bundesministerien (GGO) hat das federführende Bundesministerium mich bei der Erstellung von Gesetzesvorlagen frühzeitig zu beteiligen, soweit dadurch meine Aufgaben berührt werden. Im Berichtszeitraum wurde ich in 423 Fällen nach § 21 GGO eingebunden”

But I’m really struggling with the transaltion… can anyone help me?

Again, thank you for your support. Once the comparative analysis will proceed, I’ll pass the transaltion to a professional… but for the time being this is in a very early stage.

Roughly the text says that BfDI should be consulted if new laws are elaborated by a ministry. Creating an “app” is a different thing.

Thanks to all of you for your help.
Now I have a framework to work with!

